Getting a dental implant to replace a missing or damaged tooth can be life-changing due to the boost it can give to your self-esteem, but it does come with some unique challenges. While an experienced dentist can help make the procedure of a dental implant go smoothly, the recovery once you're home can be difficult to manage. Instead of suffering after you've had a dental implant, use the following aftercare tips so that you'll be able to recover without any unneeded stress.

Stay Relaxed and Avoid Touching Your Mouth

While some bleeding will occur after having a dental implant, you'll want to do your best to reduce the amount of bleeding. The easiest way to do so is by avoiding contact with your mouth. Messing with any stitches or gauze can cause unnecessary irritation, resulting in more blood. If you've noticed any bleeding, make sure to apply some gauze firmly and rest until it's slowed.

Be Careful to Use the Proper Medications

After your implant is finished, your dentist will likely provide you with some medications needed for the pain. Further medications could include anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. Regardless of what  you're recommended to take, make sure to follow the instructions carefully to ensure that you'll recover quickly.

Change Your Diet Accordingly

After you've had any kind of dental work done, it's important that you adjust your diet accordingly. This is even more crucial when you have a dental implant put in, since unnecessary stress on your teeth could result in it becoming loose and further dental work needing to be done. Some good examples for food to eat after the implant include the following:

  • Smoothies
  • Soups
  • Jell-O
  • Pudding

Remain Gentle When Cleaning

While you don't want to brush your teeth regularly for the first few days after the implant, it's still important for you to keep up with cleaning. The best way to do so is by simply removing any gauze and swishing your mouth with water before applying new gauze. Brushing and flossing can still be done as well, but only in the parts of your mouth without the new implant.

Taking care of your new dental implant is of the utmost importance if you want to be happy with your new and improved smile. The above tips can help ensure that your recovery goes well and that you won't suffer any more than necessary. For more information, contact Dr. Andres Maeso or a similar dental professional.
