If you're looking to potentially get a dental bridge to replace missing teeth, it might surprise you to learn that your dentist wants you to get an implant bridge. This subset of dental bridges offers several benefits that your dentist likely wants you to have. Here's what you need to know about the difference between standard bridges and those supported by dental implants.

The Problem With Standard Bridges

Standard dental bridges are effective at what they do, but they can come at a cost.

Dental bridges are designed to work like a real bridge. The artificial teeth are in the middle, and then each side is mounted onto a real tooth to help support it. The problem with this is that every bite you take or every time you grind your teeth, it puts pressure on those supporting teeth.

As it turns out, over the long term, this can cause damage to teeth or force them to become crooked from long-term pressure exposure. This is why this type of bridge isn't as popular as it used to be.

Advantages of Implant Bridge

Dental implant bridges are very similar to standard bridges. They still have the artificial teeth in the middle, and they're still supported on either side. However, what they're mounted on is dental implants, not real teeth.

Dental implants are extremely durable. The crowns themselves are typically made from porcelain, which is utilized in other tooth-replacement methods and for crowns. The base underneath it is made of titanium, which is known for its extreme durability and strength.

The strength of the implant makes it more rigid than a standard tooth and helps it to put up with the pressure better than a tooth could. It also ensures that your remaining real teeth won't be damaged or in danger from the bridge.

What to Expect

Getting an implant bridge is a fairly straightforward process, but one that happens over the course of multiple dental visits.

The first step is getting the implants put in. These will need time to heal. Your dentist will put them in place under anesthesia, so you won't feel anything. Once they're in place, your gums and the bone in your jaw will begin to grow around the implants, securing them.

Once the implants are fully secured, it's time to put the crowns on top. Your dentist may do this at the same time as setting you up with a dental bridge.

Once the crowns are on, the bridge will be secured on either end to each of the dental implants. Once it's in place, you're ready to go.

Dental implants can do a lot to make dental bridges a more viable method for replacing teeth. If you're interested in having a bridge that will last as long as possible with no damage done to your teeth, get implants first.
